Color Wheel - (approx. 13 cm)
The prime colors are located on the front interior wheel. When you then select a color on the exterior edge of the table, the mixed color result is shown in the window. The rear side of the wheel displays a color harmony diagram.
0.0 EUR
Color Wheel - (approx. 23 cm)
The prime colors are located on the front interior wheel. When you then select a color on the exterior edge of the table, the mixed color result is shown in the window. The rear side of the wheel displays a color harmony diagram.
0.0 EUR
CMY Primary Mixing Wheel
The CMY Primary Mixing Wheel shows you how you can mix the primary colors cyan, magenta and yellow to get the secondary and tertiary colors. In addition, it illustrates the effect of changes to the color intensity, i.e. via nuances in the 12 primary, secondary and tertiary colors.
0.0 EUR
CMY Primary Mixing Wheel with Book (engl.)
The CMY Primary Mixing Wheel shows you how you can mix the primary colors cyan, magenta and yellow to get the secondary and tertiary colors. In addition, it illustrates the effect of changes to the color intensity, i.e. via nuances in the 12 primary, secondary and tertiary colors.
0.0 EUR
0.0 EUR