Instruction Manuals


  Createx Colors 2022 DE
  Createx Colors 2022 EN
  Iwata 2021 DE
  Werther 2018 DE
  Artool 2018 EN

Vallejo 2021 EN

Product pictures

Ask Vinny can help you with questions about our Createx Colors products. Vinny can answer in multiple languages, if you would like him to use a specific one just ask your question in the according language.

Processing notes

For optimal product properties, please store paints and media in a cool and dry place at temperatures between +5° and +27° C.
The minimum shelf life of the mediums/additives is 2 years if unopened and stored correctly. Filling levels may differ due to technical reasons. There may be slight color deviations between filling batches.

General processing notes:
Illustration Colors Verdünnungsanleitung
Verarbeitungshinweise für harte Oberflächen und Fahrzeuge
Verarbeitungshinweise für Stoffe, Textilien und Leder

Technical Data Sheets:
  4008 Restorer  
  4011 Reducer  
  4013 Reducer  
  4020 Reducer
  4030 Balancing Clear
  4040 Bleed Checker
  5618 Airbrush Cleaner
  Transparent Base 5601, 4004, 5090, 6000
  Createx Clear Coats 5620, 5621, 5622
  Auto-Air Colors
  AutoBorne Sealer
  Createx Airbrush Colors
  Illustration Colors
  Scenix Mural & Theme Paint
  Scenix Fluorescent
  UVLS Clears
  Wicked Colors

By the way: With spray guns (airbrush & spray gun) it is absolutely normal for the coating inside the paint cup to become discolored after a certain period of use (visible micro-cracks, partial detachment). 
The reason for this is the coating process, a bright chrome plating over nickel.
For technical reasons, the inner areas of the cathode (the workpiece to be chrome-plated) cannot absorb quite as much chrome (approx. 0.2 µm) during galvanization as the outer areas (approx. 0.4 µm).
This can be seen not only inside a paint cup, but also, for example, inside a nozzle cap, a needle cap or an end piece.
However, this has no influence on the functionality of the spray gun.